In the XXI century the word “modernization” is associated with innovation, simplification, process improvement and in most cases – with savings. Modernizing means working better, faster and cheaper.
Nevertheless, if we subject a given case to deeper analysis we may discover that the cost of investment is higher than expected savings. Therefore, decision about introduction of innovative solutions in manufacturing companies is usually based on thorough evaluation of potential gains and losses. Such analysis is also provided in Power Industry.
During the II Scientific and Technological Conference Heat not Lost the subject has been presented by PhD Jan Surówka. As energy efficiency improvement belongs to core competences of our company we decided to describe methods of results evaluation in a transparent, somewhat simplified manner.
If we want to compare enterprises from the perspective of energy efficiency, first we should establish criteria of such comparison. For this purpose the following protocols for energy efficiency measurement have been introduced:
- IPMVP – International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol
- SEP – Superior Energy Performance.
Although both documents regulate the same process, a key difference between them lies in approach towards energy losses baseline definition.
Following guidelines of IPMVP we introduce a measurement boundary around the complex we want to modernize. It is a virtual barrier that equalizes energy coming in and out of the complex. During the reporting period (one production cycle, one operational week, etc.) energy flow is being measured and energy losses are being monitored.
After optimization is complete, we apply a measurement boundary once again in order to evaluate the effects of implemented changes. Of course all measurement should be properly calibrated with regard to various external and seasonal factors occurring in production facility.
It is worth mentioning that the enterprise may benefit from financial support or other reimbursements granted by the government and EU institutions in case it properly submits IPMVP reports issued by certified agencies.
SEP protocol may be interpreted as the philosophy of constant energy efficiency improvement designated for industry.
Applying this methodology we calculate the coefficient of unit energy consumption in the function of production amount. In other words – the more energy we produce, the less energy is used per one unit of energy. (In general the effect of scale occurs in most manufacturing facilities – unit production cost is decreasing along with the increasing production amount.)
According to SEP protocol we calculate the coefficient of energy effect improvement based on the amount of energy input and output while taking into account energy used for production. Energy losses under SEP are also monitored during chosen reporting period.
If the enterprise implements SEP methodology and reaches a certain energy effect improvement during the given reporting period it can be awarded with „silver”, „golden” and „platinum” levels of energy effect improvement.
Of course each company is free to choose its own strategy of improving energy consumption patterns because what really matters is the effectiveness of implemented solutions on the way towards achieving our common higher goal – a sound symbiosis of human activity and nature.
In conclusion we would like to emphasize the educational nature of presented information. We would like to thank all the participants of Heat not Lost conference and in particular we would like to express our gratitude to PhD Jan Surówka for his presentation about protocols for energy efficiency measurement.